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Dear SAP Community,

Let’s kick off 2023 with a new SAP Community Call about artificial intelligence, this time focused on the Document Information Extraction service!

As one of the SAP AI Business Services available on SAP Business Technology Platform, Document Information Extraction enables customers and partners to automate and scale business document processing for a wide range of document types with the power of AI.

With Document Information Extraction, companies can:

Process more documents faster with less errors
Increase quality and compliance mechanisms
Reduce the time required to process a document
Allow the members of your organization to focus on more relevant tasks that are in their field of expertise

In this call, we would like to introduce the latest improvements of Document Information Extraction, including a new extraction model approach for purchase orders, payment advice, supplier invoices and more, to achieve higher extraction accuracy.

This live will be hosted by Tomasz Janasz, Area Product Manager @SAP and Manuel Zeise, Principal Data Scientist @SAP.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Set up your reminder for the live on Thursday, February 2

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